The Bailey Learning and Arts Collective is dedicated to community activism, hosting and participating in many outreach events. We have worked with many great individuals and hope to bring in more for future events. Take a look at our history of collaborating and reaching out to the community!
Heirs Property Workshop Saturday, June 8th, 2024 & Saturday, July 13th, 2024

Preserving African American Communities and Landmarks Collaboration with the amazing Brent Leggs

Our collaboration with Brent Leggs at the Cotton Club Museum and Cultural Center. The Bailey Learning and Arts Collective is committed to preserving our African American communities across Gainesville.
Learn more about the Cotton Club Museum and Cultural Center’s upcoming events.
Community Outreach centered around the oral history of Heirs Property and Intergenerational Wealth

In this oral history event, elders shared their views on owning heirs property and the effect it has on generations.
On September 13th, a full house attended our Heirs Property and Intergenerational Wealth Part 2: Voices of Our Elders Oral History at the A. Quinn Jones Museum & Cultural Center. Our panelists, Terri Bailey, Dale Harris and Jancie Vinson shared incredible stories on land loss and suggested ways to preserve generational wealth. The event was moderated by E. Stanley Richardson.
Dr. Barbara Mennel, Director of the UF Humanities and Public Sphere, shared the value of public programs and the Center for the Humanties and Public Sphere’s commitment to public programs.
Project Co-Director Belay Alem, a PhD candidate at the University of Florida. Mr. Alem brings a compassion for a community and a strong desire to connect.
This event was made possible by The City of Gainesville, The City of Gainesville Parks, Recreation and Cultural Affairs, The University of Florida Center for the Humanities and Public Sphere, The A. Quinn Jones Museum & Cultural Center, The Rothman Foundation, Our community partner Ayesha Solomon and the Alachua County Property Appraiser office.
Learn more about the A. Quinn Jones Museum & Cultural Center